New Eyes that can give sight back to the (near) Blind

I noticed an interesting parallel this week,  Currently on Kickstarter  LeVar Burton (Geordi from Star Trek Next Generations) is currently promoting a new app Reading Rainbow  which aims to help kids to read .  The kickstarter  has raised over 5 million and counting .   At the same time as this Kickstarter is being promoted byLeVar ,  the technology used by the fiction character  Geordi  he played is now becoming reality.

Geordi in the show was blind since birth and needed to use a special visor to allow him to see, we are only in the beginning of the 21st century but this concept is already coming to light.   Here is a new report about the work of a British scientist who is using  BT-100 Epson from what I can make out ( no paper out yet to check but it looks like a modified version )  and a depth sensor to give people who are nearly blind an ability to see the world around them.

RTE report


Full Disclosure , I got asked for comment on the story and  so I’m interview for a few seconds towards the end , they decided I looked more futurist wearing the Oculus Rift for the report , it wasn’t my idea but it made good TV 🙂